Author: Steve Allen | 0 Comments

Old Porsche tractors are being given a new lease of life – thanks to the Porsche Junior project. The aim of this programme is to better integrate the younger generation into the world of work.

An unimposing warehouse in Stuttgart – an old Porsche tractor from the Porsche Museum collection waits inside. After collecting dust for many years, the engine will no longer start. Yet this tractor will soon be as good as new with the help of students from Gemeinnützige Werkstätten und Wohnstätten GmbH (GWW) in Sindelfingen, an institution for disabled residents of the Böblingen and Calw district.

The work is being completed as part of the Porsche Junior project, which arranges restoration work on tractors by schools and other institutions. The young people involved complete all of the work required, from deep cleaning, repairing defective parts and performing oil changes through to assembly work. During each restoration project, the students not only learn something about the technology, but they also get to experience working in a team. Once the work is complete, everyone receives a certificate that also represents a pre-vocational qualification. 7000 young people from more than 120 different institutions have already learnt what is involved to restore a tractor.

The Porsche Junior project was set up in 2007 by the Porsche-Diesel-Club Europa e.V., an organisation dedicated to preserving Porsche tractors. Porsche supports the initiative; Dr. Wolfgang Porsche is a patron.